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Finding success through customer-centric property development

As we embark on a new year, it's clear that there will be many opportunities in the property industry. However, to achieve success in this competitive market, it's essential to focus on your customers - the buyers of your completed schemes. While it can be challenging to prioritize the needs and preferences of your customers in property development, getting it right can lead to faster sales and higher prices.


Stuart Ducker: Strategic Solutions Director, TwentyCi
Paul Davis: Co-Founder, Nimbus Maps

About the webinar

Join us as we explore the importance of customer-centricity in property development and discuss strategies for making your schemes more successful. Paul Davis, Founder of Nimbus, and Stuart Ducker, Strategic Solutions Director of TwentyCi, share insights on how to design your schemes with your customer and eventual buyers at the centre of everything you do.

During the webinar they discussed:

  • The current market conditions and why customer-focused development is essential in today's market
  • Strategies for designing your schemes to sell quickly and at a high price 
  • Tips for finding the right opportunities
  • The importance of being laser-focused on your end buyer and customer

By the end of this webinar you will better understand how to approach property development in a customer-centric way and how to succeed in today's market.

Listen, on the go 🎵


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