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Pre-set site-finding strategies

Our pre-defined site-finding strategies find you opportunities where planning and financial viability have been checked, so you can quickly approach owners, at scale, with the confidence that the sites work.


Our pre-set site finding strategies are designed to save you time searching for opportunities and are grouped into four categories:

  • Commercial conversions: to find opportunities to convert from a lower value commercial use to a residential use.
  • Residential land and airspace: for finding undeveloped residential sites and locations with potential for airspace development
  • HMOs: for finding suitable opportunities for houses in multiple occupation.
  • Other strategies: For finding short and expiring residential leases and unbroken blocks of flats.
Pre-set site-finding HMO

Commercial conversions 

These pre-sets find commercial to residential developments that fall under Class ZA, Class G and Class MA or where conversion or redevelopment to residential use would work. It shows opportunities clear of planning constraints and where the development stacks up: zoom in for a full breakdown, including the predicted profit. Click on the title number for property specifics, including use class details, footprints, and size.



Pre-set site finding shops with uppers

Residential land and airspace 

This strategy identifies residential opportunities for airspace development, houses on underdeveloped plots that are prime for further development and commercial sites that could be redeveloped into residential use. These are pre-checked for planning and financial viability and results are helpfully colour-coded by their potential profit levels.



Pre-set site finding airspace


This pre-set highlights houses in multiple occupation (HMO) with scope for extension and residential properties with the potential for conversion to HMO together with commercial buildings that could be converted to an HMO use whilst observing Article 4 directions.

Pre-set site finding HMO-1

Other strategies

These are invaluable for finding short and expiring residential leases and notoriously difficult-to-find properties, such as unbroken blocks of flats.

Pre-set site finding expiring leases

Other game-changing Nimbus features

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Info panel

See all the information you need on a property in a single click – including ownership, property sizes, uses, values, planning applications, constraints, and more – saving you 80% of the time you would usually spend assessing a site.

Nimbus comparables icon


Our comparables tool for commercial and residential properties gives you existing use and land values, and predicted sales prices. Gain a complete picture of the value proposition to ensure your proposed scheme stacks up.

Nimbus letter-sending icon

DTV Letter Sending

Our direct-to-vendor letter-sending tool is the final piece in the puzzle you need to unlock success buying off-market. Choose our default letter template, customise it to meet your needs, and then send it out at scale, greatly speeding up your search.

Nimbus My Sites icon

My Sites

Efficiently manage your property searches with our inbuilt Kanban-style project board. Use it to track updates and response rates and as the launchpad for direct-to-vendor letter campaigns.


Nimbus planning constraints icon

Planning constraints

Use our real-time planning information to see planning histories on or around a target site so you can see at a glance any planning constraints that could impact your proposed development.


Nimbus alerts icon

Planning search and alerts

Nimbus offers a comprehensive range of tools to find sites with or without planning and the ability to be alerted to any applications of interest in your target areas.


Over 1,000 reliable data sources

Group 14409
Group 14411
Image 75
Group 14407

To name just a few…