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New environmental constraints layers for national and local nature reserves


We're excited to introduce a significant update to our Environmental Constraints layer, expanding your ability to assess potential development sites with greater precision and ease.

This latest product update welcomes the addition of two valuable layers to our arsenal: National Nature Reserves and Local Nature Reserves.

National nature reserves: Where conservation meets development

Residential developers, we've heard your concerns about navigating the complex world of environmental constraints. You want to understand the exact location of National Nature Reserves to ensure your development plans doesn't encroach on these areas, which hold legal protection of the highest order under UK legislation.

National Nature Reserves w.out LA menu

National Nature Reserves (NNRs) are home to some of the UK’s most precious wildlife and geological significance, meaning they enjoy the highest level of conservation protection. In fact, proposed developments that fall within a NNR may necessitate an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), irrespective of size. This adds a layer of complexity to the planning process.

Local planning authorities are mandated not only to avoid harm to NNRs but also to further their conservation, reinforcing the stringent protection they enjoy. Nimbus recognises the challenges this poses to developers and aims to simplify the process.

National Nature Reserves w. LA menu

Our solution?

We’ve added a new layer within the Environmental Constraints section of Location Analysis, pinpointing the precise location of NNRs. With a simple click, you'll gain insights into whether your site borders an NNR, enabling you to make a fast and informed decision about your development plan - ultimately Nimbus is saving you time in identifying sites that are and aren't impacted.


Local nature reserves: navigating regulatory diversity

Local Nature Reserves (LNRs) present another layer of complexity for residential developers. While they offer valuable conservation opportunities, the protection afforded to them varies from site to site, depending on the Local Plan determined by the local authority.

Local Nature Reserves w. LA menu

Understanding what type of development is permissible in and around LNRs can be a maze of uncertainty. Nimbus recognises that this ambiguity is a significant obstacle for developers and strives to offer clarity.


Our solution?

A separate layer within the Environmental Constraints section of Location Analysis, dedicated to local nature reserves. This new feature, much like the NNRs Layer empowers you to identify whether your chosen site overlaps with an LNR in record time. This vital information gives you the clarity needed to make informed development decisions and navigate the unique regulatory landscape.

With these additions, Nimbus continues to be your trusted partner in property success. We are committed to enhancing your property analysis experience, providing innovative solutions that help you secure the most viable and profitable opportunities.

Stay tuned for more exciting updates and start exploring the new Environmental Constraints layers today to simplify your property journey.

Local Nature Reserves w.out LA menu


What's next with Nimbus?

At Nimbus, we value your feedback and continuously strive to enhance your experience. These new features empower you to make more informed decisions, streamline your workflow, and reduce complexities in property development.

Our roadmap is packed with exciting innovations, all designed to make your property analysis even more effective and efficient. We can't wait to share these advancements with you in the near future.


Join us for in-depth insights

To dive deep into these new features and explore the full potential of Nimbus, we invite you to participate in our upcoming webinars. These sessions, led by our experts, offer valuable insights and tips to help you master our platform.


Connect with our support team

If you’d like to know more about how Nimbus and our exciting new features can help take your business to the next level, get in touch with our team today on 01926 355 424 or take our new feature for a test drive today when you sign up for a free trial.

Thank you for choosing Nimbus as your partner in property success. We're excited to continue this journey with you, and we can't wait to show you what's next.

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